
Saturday, May 19, 2007

holy crap 

its been over two months!!! now that's how you keep your "fan"base if you ask me. all four of you, if you haven't stopped checking my blog, of course.
well, i say, who cares! if you write it they will read. ha!
i have joined yoga, but not yoga in the sense that most people think of yoga. this is dahn yoga, a korean form of yoga. there is also some tai chi thrown into the mix too. its a lot of fun and i am much more relaxed and energetic at home and especially at work. thursday nights is my favorite class called vibrations. they play music, usually some sort of african drumming, and you move slowly at first and then after a bit everyone is dancing like crazy. this goes on until you are covered in sweat and feeling like your five once again. then we stretch and whatnot. finally we end up in the "sleeping dog" position-- on your back legs up 90 degrees, knees bent 90 degrees, feet bent 90 degrees, legs parallel and a fist's-width apart, arms straight up in the air, and hands at a 90 degree angle. we do this for 15 to 20 minutes. the first time i did this my body started to shake after only a few minutes. i couldn't sustain for the full 15. each week i've been able to sustain it for longer and longer. its really intense. the only way to mainain it for that long is to htink about nothing else, which is awesome because after work it is hard for me to stop thining about school. this gets all that out of my head. when the time is up your body drops to the floor and a rush of endorphins tidal waves through your body. i think my smile actually wraps all the way around my head at this point. i also usually laugh a little bit.
ok, enough about yoga.
a little over a month to go in my first year as a teacher. i've really gotten into a groove in terms of planning and working and not taking work home with me (of most importance). class itself is hit and miss, but either way it stays at school.
the girl whom i mentioned i was dating. we are dating no more. this has been true for a few weeks. a very peaceful break-up. no hard feelings. we're still friends. all is well.
i saw the ex last night starring zach braff and jason bateman. excellent movie. on the netflix scale i would give it 4 stars. on the rewatchability scale (how many times i htink i will watch this movie in the next ten years) i would give it a 1.5-2.3. i also saw hot fuzz last week. i would also give this a four star netflix rating. i would say hot fuzz is markedly better than the ex, but not quite a five star movie. not sure why. nonetheless, i highly recommend hot fuzz. rewatchability scale rating for HF is easily 4.3.
i started 'flixing the wire a few weeks ago. this show is great. 5 stars for tv dramas (nearly 0 on the RS, however). season one was awesome. i am mid-season 2 and it just as good. i am looking verymuchforward to season 4, which i have read to be the best so far and that it takes place in a school which interests me many times over.
i hope to be in LA at the end of june/early july for a good chunk of time. i will be returning to NY for a one month summer camp in upstate new york. yay getting paid for two jobs during the summer!
many points of the school year may suck, but the summer is going to be great.
my moms just called, so im outty for now.

I was beginning to think you were dead. Good to see you are not.
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