
Saturday, May 26, 2007


my good friend and confdante Matt, posted a personal for me on craigslist yesterday. seeing as how I am no good at meeting women and that i have no time to meet them and that i am no good a advertising myself, we thought it best for him to do the write-up, which can be seen here. That selfsame day another roommate somewhere in new york was perusing the craiggers for a date for her roommate and found matt's post. anyways, this should all be very interesting, no matter how you slice it.
matt and i are growing jalapenos in our apartment. they are like my children. i am so proud of them. we have four right now and based on the number of blossoms we had, there should quite a few more down the road. the oldest one is my favorite. he's been with us hte longest, showed us there was hope. the youngest, is a cutie, she is the future.
i will be going to pennsylvannia three times in the next three weeks. next weekend i am scouting out philly with another teacher for a trip the 7th grade will be taking there in a couple weeks. in between those trips i will be going to lancaster (i like to say "lankster" like "wankster") for a friend's wedding.
last month of year one. teaching is a marathon. i am getting cramps during the last mile. i just want to survive to the end. i'm not trying to win anymore, just finish. this is bad. i am hoping the long weekend will help me get back on track and care once more. yay!
the wire continues to be awesome. i'll mostl likely be done with season 2 after this weekend, and then its on the season 3.
the one DVD that tempts me to go to Blu-Ray (down with HDDVD) is the Planet Earth dvd series from discovery. i didn't get to see all of them, but i did watch, i saw in HD, which was amazing. a normal DVD would do this program no justice. one of the more amazing things i saw was a great white shark kiling a seal in 47x slow motion. the shary flew above the water at least two body widths. out of this world. and the sharks tail kept flapping. like five times in the one second they slowed down.
summer should be awesome. last day of school is june 27. i hope to be in LA soon after that.
that is all for now. peace out.

i have to saw that matt's description of you is pretty much spot on.

i missed this posting and i need to see it!
I heard an interview with the producer of planet earth on npr and he described some of the scenes they had to cut because they were too gory. One is of a penguin who was attacked by a sea lion. The penguin, after having his head and face skinned, escapes from the sea lion's clutch and tries to dive back into the water.

another scene starts with a closeup of an elephant's eye, showing that the elephant is indeed awake and conscious. The camera pans out to show the elephant being eaten alive by twenty or so lions.

We should definitely watch that DVD series. I'm coming home on Father's Day weekend and 4th of July. I was crossing my fingers that our trips home would coincide.

this is too long. I'm just gonna call you. really.
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