
Tuesday, December 26, 2006

out of office memo 

my chirstmas was fairly uneventful. as was my channukah. i think i am done with the holidays and even birthdays. they all seem so arbitrary. new years, somehow, has escaped that arbitrary feeling for me. perhaps because i have arbitrarily chosen to make that the one uber celebration of the year. in four hours i will be departing for Sao Paulo on my way to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. I will be coming back on Jan 2. This may very well be my last communication with the world as Rio is a dangerous place. I think its mostly muggings, but it could be worse and i could die. OR i could have the time of my life. OR a little bit of both. OR somewhere in between, in the grays. if i don't come back, please do not worry, it will most likely occur while i am having a ball and making poor decisions.
but seriously, it can't be that bad. one review i read said that the common misconception is that Rio is like Harlem, NY at 4am all day long. Now I can do Harlem, NY at 4am, and its not even that bad!!! this is great news.

sightings from the neighborhood:
man selling things in front of take-out chinese place. he's usually there with a card table covered in cheap jewelry, electronics, and other random items like wallets. yesterday this guy had tied a wrope to an awning. at the end of said wrope he had tied a knife. to this knife he would apply quick jabs to make it spin and twirl about. meanwhile a young child and family strolled by. the man stared at that child at the knife-entranced child and started laughing a maniacal laugh. the child began to cry. another drunk, oh did i not mention that this vendor was drunk, about 20 feet away started to laugh at the crying child.

having lunch today at the verysame chinese take-out place. woman and family walk in and she looks at the selection for the lunch special and says "same old bullshit" really loudly.

someone threw a cat off of a balcony a few weeks ago. yup. a cat. a balcony. rumors say the cat DID land on his/her feet. too bad he/she had reached terminal velocity and died upon impact. i hope. i may have already told this story, but it bears repeating. bizarre shit. who does that?

saw the "black nutcracker" on friday with the school. not so much the nutcracker as it was parts of the nutcracker interspersed with hip-hop and other culturally black music. on a side note, if you have never seen chicken noodle soup i highly recommend it. its a silly dance the kids in this part of town and in the bronx, and probably brookly, all do. the song is silly, the dance is silly, but man when they all do it together, its pretty fucking amazing. whats even more amazing is when classically trained ballet dancers (black ones) do it on point. i believe that was the highlight of the BNC show. that and the HAWT ballet dancers.

have a happy new year everybody!

Oh, chicken noodle soup, with a soda on the side... Aren't teenagers precious?
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