
Saturday, October 14, 2006

4lb dumps 

i think this may just be the longest stretch of non-bloggityness for me. much has been happnin with me since the 26th of august when i last posted. most of it involves me working myself to exhasution, eating, m-bating, sleeping, and repeating the process. the life of a teacher is one of ups and downs. one day you feel like crap, you've had no more than five hours of sleep all week, you stand all day, your students are unruly, and your lesson sucks balls because you didnt have time to plan and you're tired as fuck. and then the next day it clicks, you get a little more sleep, your lesson isnt half bad, and you realize why this is exactly what you should be doing. those days are great. they are even greater when they happen on a friday. that was yesterday for me. my second best friday ever. two weeks ago was like bliss. followed by a three day weekend. fantastic. this probably makes little to no sense, but when has my blog ever made sense?
i think i will actualyl update my 'teacher blog' with more info on life as a teacher and use this space for general life stuff.
for example... ok this is still related to teaching.... i have been taking four pound dumps. since we moved to the new apt (which is awesome, and i will post pics soon) i have been taking one shit a week. its almost as if my body realizes i dont have time for mid-week dumps. every saturday for the past three weeks now I have taken three to four shits in that one day. today, i think i may have done it all in one swell poop. i had an impressive three-logger. and i don't mean three stubby chode logs- im talking three full-sized ballpark, plump-when-you-cook-'em, poops. all in one go. really a very pleasureable experience. theres nothing quite like the feeling of being empty.
notes from spanish harlem....

i now live in spanish harlem, a historically poor and dangerous neighborhood. when i tell people who live in harlem where i am living they give me a look like im crazy. they are crazy.

in the elevator the other day this woman was just lookin at me. she said "you live here?" yes. "you just move in?" uh-huh. "well, good luck."

walking home from the subway last friday at around 5pm, a few folks were drinking on the street straight from those 'tenth' bottles- you know, for those who drink alone- on the street. an older fellow finished his vodka with triumphant swig and cap screw-on followed by a nonchalant toss of his empty. RIGHT TOWARDS ME. luckily it was low so i jumped over it. it broke right beind me. this caught the attention of a separate group of nearby friday afternoon drinkers (FADs if you will). "are you ok?" "yeah its cool, he wasnt throwing it at me." "no its not cool, man." "yeah it is." "no, its not cool, what if that was one of my kids? thats not cool." remember that this guy has a cup of what im assuming was gin and juice in his hand. we discuss the uncoolness of the event and then digress intoother topics. "you look educated, you been to college?" i've headr this you look educated thing twice before, both from bums trying to butter me up so i will give them money. it worked once. anyways, we also talked politics and religion. Jerry, my new friend, did not like ot hear that i had not go, except yojo of course, but i didnt mention him- yojo that is. jerry asked if he could visit my school. i said yes, but no gin and juice. we laughed. we cried. a good time was had by all.

knock at the door. i open it. man standing there very, very, very confused. realizes he's at the wrong apt. this happened to matt as well.

matt and i are walking down the street towards our apartment and a large man with a beard, in a black leather jacket, really scary despite the pacifier in his mouth. in fact, you know he's fucking tough because he can get away with walking around with a pacifier in his mouth. after we pass him, i look at matt and he says "don't worry, he's a pacifist." we laughed, we cried. a good time was had by all.

that is all for now.

It's good to get an update on the NYC crew's happennings. I need to come visit you guys again sometime and meet your street friends. It sounds like life here in Winnetka is far more boring than there.
great blog log. i want to be part of the "all" by which a great time is being had. having. great had. hat.
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