
Tuesday, June 13, 2006

two articles under "education' on ccn.com caught my attention today. the first is about a kindergarten teacher in Denver who received a $100,000 award for being an awesome teacher. this is the first year its been awarded. the founders of the award, the Kinders, point out that teacehrs should make more money- doctors lawyers make $100,000 why not teachers? i agree. there is not enough respect for the teaching profession. i think that if education school was three intense years that cost over $100k and resulted in a high-paying job the profession would be better respected. BUT the only way teachers are going to get paid more is if the general public respects them more. as you can see, this is the 'ol catch-22. anyways, i think its great that they have this award and that at least someone in a position of power is saying these things. the second is about some kids that picked hitler quotes for their senior quotes in the yearbook. the school has apologized and is thinking about reprinting that section or giving students special tape to cover up the quotes. i don't know about you, but this pisses me off. i'm no fan of Hitler, but what happened to freedom of speech. one quote does not a nazi make nor should it offend someone. who knows if these kids even adree with the quotes or not. they may be punished for this. the yearbook teacher may be punished too! that is just silly.

Did you read the quotes? They're pretty much benign and the only people that could recognize such quotes are ones familiar with Mein Kampf. I could understand the school's reaction if they were quotes mentioning the Aryan Race or something like that.
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