
Tuesday, June 13, 2006


in regards to my previous post and the comments. first, im gonna give Brad the benefit of the doubt and assume he read the article. I think Brad makes some good points regardless. still the quotes themselves did not seem harmul or hateful. for example the first quote "Strength lies not in defense, but in attack" sounds to me an awful lot like the sports cliche "the best defense is a good offense." to me it is the originator of this quote, Hitler, not the content of the quote that is being judged. To be honest, I can see why these people are against this, I just wish they weren't. Does this really do anyone any good? who was hurt by these quotes? Obviously I do not know the intentions of these students nor do I know anything about them and perhaps that plays into the reaction of those around them-- i jsut don't know.

also, i was really excited when i thought Miami was about to go down 3-0 in the series. I love D. Wade, but I really want to see shaq lose. right as i was thinking Miami was done I had a flashback to that Portland game where the Lakers came back from 15 or 16 points behind in five minutes. No, that portland team was ripe for self-destruction... and this isn't THOSE Lakers... but hten i saw it happen. though there were some b.s. calls clearly in favor of Miami. The moving screen on Dirk-- the NBA has basically stopped calling moving screens even though they are still illegal. then the refs decide the Heat need the ball back, WHAM, movin screen. THEN the big one was on a rebound where Shaq clearly pushed Dampier out of the way and got fouled on the put-back. I must hand it to the Big Shakey Free Throw, he knocked both of them down-- something the Diggler cannot say himself, missing a crucial free throw at the end of the game. nonetheless, shaq shouldn't have been given that opportunity. all that being said, i am excited that the finals might be as lame as they were shaping up to be for a few minutes there. though this does not bode well for me because i have a lot of work between now and june 27. NBA finals, U.S. open, and world cup all going on at once. luckily my golf and soccer (footbal) watching behavior is such that i tune out the majority of it and watch the exciting parts allowing me to work while i watch.

My yearbook quote was censored. It said, "Jeez if you love honkus." Because they censored my silly quote, which is in no way inflammatory, I am now not at all surprised that they'd have problems with anything remotely anything. It doesn't even matter, since it is more in the interest of any person in power to protect anyone's sentiment than to offer up freedom of speech. I'm not justifying it, it just makes absolute and total sense. It's the kind of world we're living in. Protecting liability is the #1 concern.

Actually, I'm impressed that there was someone out there who recognized the quotes as being by Hitler at all. They're not common ones, I wouldn't have recognized them.
That was me, Mea, not some weird stalker person.
Damn, I was really hoping to have a weird stalker person.
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