
Friday, June 16, 2006

10 year nonbarmitzversary 

ten years ago today i oficially did not become a man. today i went to my bar, rado perfecto, and i had many a good drink for free. two twelve year scotches topped the bill. delicious. mohegan sun, an indian casino in connecticut, is my next stop, hopefully i win a bajllion dollars.
life is good at 23. i am very satisfied where things are going. i am very curious as to how he next year will pan out. i will be a teacher in a few months, which is both exciting and daunting at the same time. i am excited about teacing though. i am also excited about sleeping. good night bear.

i'm so proud of you...for becoming a teacher, that is...but also for turning 23 instead of choosing to stay at 22.
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