
Tuesday, May 23, 2006


yesterday was my last day of student teaching. i had decided over the weekend to let the principal know that i wanted to work at her school, but then she was gone all day. there was a meeting afterschool and the whole staff suprised me with a banner they had all signed saying "good luck" and some entenmanns cakes. i was totally shoecked. after the meeting the principal said "mr. mckinney, on your last day, as the head of the hiring committe I would like to formally offer you the..." i smiled and i said "I would like to formally accept." then she gave me a giant hug, which was totally unexpected. everyone was very happy. as was i. its odd because i know that i am a highly desired teacher for various reasons, but i still feel weird when people express this to me. its very flattering, but it makes me uncomfortable. so i will be teaching in the bronx next year. i'll probably talk about it on this blog, but some details may not be there or may be false just to keep student information confidential and all that. i am very excited about this job. i will be teaching 7th grade physical science (physics and chemistry) next year. the following year i will be teaching a "spiral" curriculum, which consists of two "living environment" (bio), one physical science, and one eartch science unti. i get along very well with all of the teachers at the school-- one of the main reasons i decided to work there.
coming soon will be pictures and video of the setting of three guinness world records a week ago in brooklyn. i haven't had time to dl the pics from my camera, but i will for all to enjoy.

You rock my world mr. mckinney.
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