
Sunday, February 05, 2006

Super Bowl 

as you all must have heard by now, today is the super bowl. i am picking seattle to win. no real reason. usually if my team (usually the 9ers) doesnn't make it to the big game i root for the underdog. and i htink seattle is the underdog. the strangest underdog in history though, whihch makes it hard for me to really go one way or the other here. seatlle was teh #1 seed and pittsburgh #6. what gives? all i ask for is a good game. thats it. we're keeping the super bowl festivities small this year, as i think it ought to be every year. just me, matt, manisha, brad, and sarah... oh and yoshimitsu, matt's roommate. but i doubt he will speak. big super bowl parties are fun and all but i never get to actually watch the game. last year was the worst for this because i was in England in a room full of brits who could care less about the game of american football. and i was drunk. i am not yet sure if i will be throwing back as much as i did last year because i think im getting sick and i cannot afford to get sick right now.
student teaching is going well. i haven't really started teaching (i introduced cloning for like te nminutes on thursday). Monday is my first day on the job. hopefully i can finish lesson planning before the SB so that i can get to bed at a reasonable time tonight, which is something i was unable to do all of last week.
i'm developing a list- top ten ways you know you're becoming an alcoholic:
#4 its thursday night, you have work on friday morning. you go to the bar you go to every thursday night. you tell your (yes they are MINE!) bartenders that you can't drink too much tonight and you have to leave early because you have work in the morning. they proceed to laugh and make fun of you by pretending to be drunk and saying "yeah right, you're gonna be the last one in here." you left early and did not drink as much as usual. you wake up friday morning and vomit. then you go to work. thats #4. as you can see, the list is a work in progress.
speaking of alcoholism, i will be starting bartending class on monday. its gonna be sweet.


i was going to say i was proud of you about the teaching stuff and all, but since i am commenting on your alcoholism blog, i will say try not to drink too much and that i miss you soooooooooooooooo much because mostly everyone is retarded and not in a funny way and i hate punctuation
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