
Monday, January 23, 2006

today i begin my student teaching. well, that is not exactly true. i begin observing at the school where i will be student teaching. my first stint will be at solomon schecter high school, a private jewish school. i sat in on the AP bio class last semester and i swear there was this kid that was pretty much me in high school, only more jewish. liz agreed. in fact, she pointed it out. i also have an interview at mc-graw hill this week for a summer job. at least i hope its for a summer job, becuase if they want me to work now, i cannot. if i do get a job for the summer, that would be sweet because then i might actually be able to pay for school. while we're on the topic i think i might be staying in school for anotehr year to get my M.S. in secondary education rather than my M.A. i will perhaps explain the decision in later post.
not enough people saw king kong. i don't get it. that was great freaking movie. go see it! and Match Point- also great in completely different ways. i am signed up for two free weeks of netflix. pretty sweet operation they got going on there, but i need to cancel it before it is the end of me. i watch enough tv as it is.
finally- kobe. guy is crazy. and i have tickets to see his crazy ass in about a week. i am oh so excited. i was bumed by the fact that the lakers had lost two in a row, both of which i was abke to watch because they were on national tv. at the end of the 2nd game the announcers said the lakers would be playing the raptors next- i felt relieved that we had a crappy oponent up next. of course, the lakers have been known to lose to those crappy teams when they need a win the most, but thats probably every team out there. so i didnt get to watch last nights game. how i wish i had. its just plain silly how many points he scored.
that is all.
see you later alligator(s).

Kobe IS the Matrix.

(Fcuk Shawn Marion)
King Kong was awesome. The visuals were great.
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