
Thursday, December 15, 2005

im comin home 

one more week of school and then I'll be on my way to L.A. i miss it thats for sure. I saw shopgirl last week, which takes place in LA, and it really made me wanna go home. that being said I will be leaving NY on the 23rd. I am in LA 'til the 27th. doesn't leave much time for hanging out. really the 26th is my only free day after family stuff. oh, my mom is making a huge christmas dinner, and anyone can come. on the 27th i am off to Prague. I return to NY on jan 4th. on hte 5th i will be flying back to LA and staying unitl jan 15th. i wish this week would be over sooner rather than later. I have a paper due today, two tomorrow, and one on Monday. then a final next thursday. if not for that final I could have come home two days earlier. i really don't feel like doing work right now, but I do. i went to the Knicks game last night. a friend ofa friend got discounted tickets at work. MSG is awesome. its gonna be even more awesome when we go see the lakers play there.

so a couple of posts ago when i was clearly drunk and writing about richard prior. i can explain. my friend from caltech, david griswold, who also goes to TC knows this girl, Mariya. Mariya is a year younger than I and attended caltech as a freshman while I was a sophomore. she hated caltech and transferred to columbia. she invited david to her 21st birthday party at a swank bar called Bar13 in the village. David's gf couldn't make it so he invited me. he had me at open bar. as we journeyed to the village i asked about who this mariya girl was and so on because i didn't really remember her. in this conversation i discovered that mariya's family is loaded and that the party is also for Camilla Rockafeller. Rockafeller, as in Rockafeller. we got to the bar aroung 9:30 (open bar was from 9-12) got our fully-paid open bar wristbands and went upstairs. we found our special VIP section with its own bouncer, except noone was there. we were the first to arrive. we wasted no time and got some drinks. let me just say that i am not sure i should ever pay for an open bar. when i got it for free i felt like it was a competition to drink as much as i could in the 2.5 hours it was available. if i had paid for it myself, i htink i might have dies that night. people started showing up. met mariya, and her gf (woot, lesbians, jk). Camilla and her sister Ariella showed up with a bit of an entourage. the Rockafellers and all their friends had the same canon digital elph cameras. this amused me. this story is boring so i will wrap it up. around 11:30 i saw david and mariya leaving (mariya was trashed when she arrived two hours earlier and lets jsut say hse hadnt improved much). i finished my 8th drink and went to get my 9th. drank that whilke conversing with a foreign girl. five minutes left in the open bar. #10. drink that, but i'm not finihsed at midnight. i hid my drink and got #11 from the bartender. pretty soon after i finihsed my drinks people started to leave. i did the same. but i could not find my jacket and scarf. i searched for a couple minutes and gave up. i come down the stairs and find that david and mariya are still waiting outside (mariya didn't have her keys or something). "hey Mariya, that is my jacket and scarf." woops. this happened on a curb a few weeks ago and i didnt think people actualyl took other people's jackets, apparently they do. griswold and i made our way to the subway. we got off at 110th st to get some pizza (we live at 120th). when we got off the subway we realized we did not switch at 96th st to the 1. we were in real harlem, not columbia harlem. we walked home- no pizza. we did buy sandwiches though. i don't remember ordering it or buying it but i definitely remember eating it.


i thought i was going to miss you, cause i leave on TWENTY TWO and get back on TWENTY SEVEN, but i'll see you in january.

i miss you, daves.
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